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Juventud y Apoyo para adultos jóvenes

Program Overview

Trabajando en asociación con el condado de Barnstable, HPC brinda administración de casos para jóvenes y adultos jóvenes menores de 25 años que viven solos y tienen dificultades para encontrar o mantener una vivienda. Si es un adulto joven que necesita apoyo, llame o envíe un mensaje de texto a Mary, nuestra administradora de casos de jóvenes y adultos jóvenes, al 774-801-9502.


El programa se centra en adultos jóvenes que corren el riesgo de quedarse sin hogar, incluidos jóvenes que hacen surf en sofás, acampan o viven en automóviles.

For any questions or inquiries, please contact our Manager of Youth and Young Adult Services, Mary O’Reilly, at 774-801-9502 or

Requirements and Supports for Hosts

HPC asks that hosts:

  • Provide an extra bedroom or private space in their home with access to a shared or private bathroom and kitchen to prepare meals and store food for the guest 

  • Live on the Cape Cod and the Islands

  • Commit to hosting a youth guest for at least 4 months

  • Complete application, interview, and home inspection, including background checks (CORI)  

  • Participate in an initial orientation, ongoing trainings, and monthly check-ins when requested

  • Show proof of renters/homeowners insurance

HPC support for hosts includes:

  • A taxable stipend of up to $1000/month

  • As-needed check-ins with HPC’s Manager of Youth and Young Adult Services to foster a positive relationship between the host and guest

  • Optional monthly Host Support Meetings to connect with other hosts and share experiences and discuss questions, concerns, or comments


Requirements and Supports for Guests

HPC asks that guests:

  • Are 18-24 years old  

  • Actively engage in pursuing personal goals for housing, education and employment 

  • Participate in Host Home Program application/matching host process, orientation/training, monthly check-ins and/or weekly HPC case management meetings

  • Agrees to program requirements of no overnight guests, no substance use in the Host Home, and fulfills Host-Guest contract guidelines

  • Are respectful, thoughtful and communicate openly and often with Host and HPC staff

HPC support for guests includes:

  • Regular check-ins with HPC’s Host Home Case Manager to collaborate and work towards identified goals for self-sufficiency and success

  • Monthly events to connect with other Host Home participants to hang out, build friendships, and share experiences, concerns, questions, or comments about the program

  • Optional educational trainings provided by HPC staff on subjects including, but not limited to budgeting, Landlord/Tenant Rights, Housing 101, and How to Be a Good Tenant 

Por qué estamos aquí

HPC quiere brindarle herramientas para conservar su vivienda y lograr independencia financiera. Un administrador de casos de HPC trabajará con usted, evaluará su situación y lo conectará con recursos que abordan los desafíos que enfrenta.


HPC está aquí para apoyar a los residentes locales, desde Harwich hasta Provincetown y en programas especiales en Yarmouth y Dennis, para fomentar una comunidad donde todos puedan prosperar.

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© 2023 por el Consejo de Prevención de Personas sin Hogar

Horas de oficina

Lunes - Jueves: 9am - 4pm

Viernes: 9 a. m. - 12 p. m.


8 Calle principal Orleans, MA 02653

Correo: PO Box 828 Orleans, MA 02653


(508) 255 - 9667

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