Sipò Kominote Provincetown
Lyezon Kominote Provincetown nou an travay ak rezidan yo pou adrese pwoblèm ki afekte sante, lojman, ak oto-sifizans. Lyezon ekspè nou an konpetan nan detèmine resous ki pi efikas ak benefisye, epi li konpetan nan elabore solisyon ki akomode sikonstans inik chak moun k ap chèche èd.
Lyezon Sipò Kominotè nou an ka ede w:
Konekte ak lòt pwogram, ajans, ak òganizasyon san bi likratif yo nan lòd yo ekipe ou ak resous ki pi efikas ak benefisye,
Aplike pou asistans gaz, pwogram lojman, finansman, ak lòt benefis,
Devlope ak jere yon bidjè,
Pran kontak ak sèvis sante mantal ak itilizasyon sibstans,
Idantifye, fikse, ak reyalize objektif pou ou vin pi otonòm ak pwospere.
Our Community Support Liaison can help you:
Connect with other programs, agencies, and nonprofits in order to equip you with the most effective and beneficial resources
Apply for fuel assistance, reduced utility rates, SNAP benefits, housing programs, funding, and other benefits
Develop and manage a budget
Get in touch with mental health and substance use services
Identify, set, and achieve goals so that you become more self-sufficient and thrive.
Biwo HPC - Provincetown United Methodist Church
20 Shank Painter Road Provincetown, MA
HPC Office Hours at the Provincetown Public Library
356 Commercial Street, Provincetown
Wednesdays: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m
Fridays: 10 a.m. - noon
(508) 237-7042
Mailing address
P.O. Box 1881
Provincetown, MA 02657