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Services: We're Here For You
Our professional staff, with nearly 70 years of combined case management experience, is here to assess your unique situation and connect you with resources to solve the challenging issues you face. We’re here to help you to attain financial independence and preserve your housing. We provide access to housing programs, financial resources, budgeting, connections to community resources and HPC’s special programs.
Raul came to HPC when he couldn’t afford the treatment he needed after a diagnosis of dangerous blood clots. He was 73 and working part-time, but his medication cost more than $700 per month and he had no health insurance. HPC helped identify ways to address Raul’s insurance challenges, reduce his prescription costs, and even find resources to replace his 17 year-old glasses. When asked about what it is like to work with HPC, Raul grins and replies, “They make me very happy in my heart.”

Raul's Story
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